Thursday, October 19, 2017

Teach 180: Sub Plans Thwarted (Day 33)

It was 11:50 AM and I had just finished putting together my sub plans for the next day.  It was a task that took two hours.  I had recorded a 30 minute screencast using screencast-o-matic and posted the video to my youtube channel.  The screencast was an introduction to normal distributions and using the table for a standard normal distribution.  This was not something I was going to expect my sub (a former history teacher) to be able to do.  My other classes had work to review concepts from previous classes.  Then, I saw the text shown at the right from our technology coordinator.

Initially, I was upset.  Should I redo my plans and do something different tomorrow?  It was then that I remembered that I would be missing about 10 students in total due to a field trip.  For those students, the screencast would allow them to stay caught up.  Maybe it wasn't so bad that I did the screencast after all.

Note: I highly recommend screencast-o-matic for doing screencasting.  Screencast-o-matic is free for the 15 minute version.  If you want to make screencasts longer than 15 minutes and you want to be able to use the cool editing features (like splicing and annotating), it is worth it to pay the extra $30 per year fee.

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