Sunday, June 24, 2018

Ten Weeks of Summer: Math Love! (Week 2)

Last week I took my daughter to freshmen college orientation and she signed up for classes.  I knew she was considering elementary education, but then she changed her mind.  Her newly declared major - middle school mathematics education!  (Of course I can't jump up and down physically beside her, that would be embarrassing.  But inside, I was doing a happy dance.) Of course this study by the Education Department's National Center for Education Statistics, says that about 1/3 of students change their major at least once.  If changing major is genetically linked, we may be ok.  Cassie's father was always a chemistry major from the first day of college and I was always a math major.  Neither of us changed our majors EVER.

Then, I got a tweet from a fellow AP Stat teacher saying that his first ever AP Stat class created a class shirt and my name was on it because they found my TI-84 videos so helpful.  I am glad to know that my work is being used by others.  I thanked the teacher and wished his students well on the AP scores that are set to come out next week.  Of course, I am keeping my fingers crossed that my students did well, too.

Starting tomorrow, I will be leading an four-day AP Summer Institute for seven AP Statistics teachers.  I spent two full days last week finalizing my plans for the workshop. I am definitely well prepared and hope it goes well.  Sharing teaching ideas and learning from other math teachers is what keeps me teaching.  It may seem strange that I get renewed energy in the summer by doing more teaching, but I do!  Sharing the math love in workshops, over twitter, on my YouTube channel and in this blog motivates me.  Plus I am always learning new ideas from my virtual math colleagues - shout out to #MTBOS, #iteachmath and Global Math Department folks!

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